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Tuesday, January 27, 2009

vocab CH.13&14
tact-the ability to say and do things in a way that will not offend other people.

empathize- ti sing someone elses point of view and to imagine oneself in his or her situation.

etiquette- good manners;the rules of polite behavior in dealing with other peopleconflict

resolution-a problem-solving strategy for settling disputes.
diversity- variety

sterotype-an oversimplified and distorted belief about a person or group without attention to individual differences

self- dorected- responsible for choosing ones own methods for reaching a goal.

cross- functional team-a group of people from two or more departments or areas of expertise who work together toward a common business goalfunctional team-a group of people from one company department or area of expertise who work together toward a common business goal.

team planning-a process that involves setting goals, assigning roles, and communicating regularly.

facilitator-a leader who helps a team work more smoothly by coordinatin its tasks

TQM-a theory of management that carefully coordinates company efforts to achieve customer satisfaction and continuous product improvementleadership

style-how a person behaver when he or she is in charge of other people

parliamentary procedure-strict rules of order for conducting a meeting

Monday, January 12, 2009

Work Schedule Week #19

Monday 1-12-08 //off
Tuesday 1-13-08 // off
Wednesday 1-14-08 // off
Thursday 1-15-08 // off
Friday 1-16-08 // off
Saturday 1-17-08 // 12:00pm-8:00pm
Sunday 1-18-08 // 12:00-8:00pm
